August is membership and new club development month. Rotary’s number one internal priority is to Grow Rotary and increase membership. RI President Shekhar has asked Rotarians around the world to raise their hand and commit to Each One Bring One and increase our membership to 1.3 million by July 2022. Click Read More
Rotary adds a richness to our life, a richness that is not measured in dollars, but in the tangible benefit that we deliver to others and the personal job and fulfillment derived from collaborating with good, honest, successful people for the purpose of serving. In the process, we get the additional benefit of fellowship with people who believe in honest, ethical business, fairness, friendship, and mutual respect, why wouldn’t we want to share that? Let’s make the commitment to look into our contact list on our phones, look to our colleagues, our families, our partners, and our neighbors and ASK.  For more information about joining Rotary contact